Federica Severini, born in 1996, graduated in violin at the Conservatorio San Pietro a Majella in Naples with top marks, honours and mention. She attended Maestro Salvatore Accardo’s masterclasses at the Accademia W. Stauffer in Cremona and obtained a diploma in both violin and chamber music at the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia. He obtained his MAS (Master of Advanced Studies) at the Conservatorio della Svizzera Italiana in Lugano with Maestro Klaidi Sahatci. He studied at the Hochschule in Mannheim with Maestro Marco Rizzi for the master’s degree in “Orchestersolist”.

She currently teaches violin at the Conservatorio C. Gesualdo da Venosa in Potenza and has taught chamber music at the Conservatorio Martucci in Salerno and violin at the Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali Mascagni in Livorno. She won First Prize at the ‘American Protègè – International Concerto Competition’ in New York, performing at Carnegie Hall’s Weill Hall, and First Absolute Prize at the ‘Dinu Lipatti’ International Competition in Rome. As a member of the Trio Pragma he won the European Competition ‘Jacopo Napoli’, International Competition of Magliano Sabina.

A strong interest in contemporary music led her to collaborate with the Ensemble Biennale College of the Venice Biennale in 2015/16, with Divertimento Ensemble and Syntax Ensemble, as well as with the Ensemble ‘900 of the Accademia. Nazionale di Santa Cecilia and the Ensemble Bernasconi of the Accademia del Teatro alla Scala in Milan.

She collaborated as a sideman with the Orchestra di Padova e del Veneto for the 2021 season. She was a violinist in the Orchestra Sinfonica Giuseppe Verdi in Milan and was a candidate in the competition for violinist in the Orchestra Sinfonica Nazionale della RAI. She has been a member of the Orchestra dell’Accademia del Teatro alla Scala in Milan, also performing as a sideman. She has collaborated with the Cameristi della Scala, Teatro San Carlo in Naples, Teatro Verdi in Salerno, Orchestra da Camera Italiana, Solisti Aquilani, Tiroler Festspiele Orchesterakademie, Camerata Ducale.

He plays a 1912 Romeo Antoniazzi violin.