A refined bel canto singer, in 2009 she made her debut under the direction of Kent Nagano in Il Viaggio a Reims (Corinna), at the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia where she perfected her skills at the Opera Studio directed by Renata Scotto.

You commanded international attention by winning the 2010 Operalia Competition chaired by Placido Domingo and held at the Teatro alla Scala in Milan. At the beginning of her career she played Ines in Mercadante’s I due Figaro at the Ravenna Festival and at the Salzburg Festival, at the Teatro Real in Madrid and at the Teatro Colón in Buenos Aires conducted by Maestro Riccardo Muti with whom she maintains a long collaboration . Again with Maestro Muti and the Chicago Symphony Orchestra she made her American debut in Orff’s Carmina Burana at Chicago’s Millennium Park and at the opening of the concert season at Carnegie Hall in New York.

The most recent commitments see her as the protagonist of Rigoletto at the Arena di Verona and at the Metropolitan Theater in New York, of Mozart’s Mass in C minor at the Accademia di Santa Cecilia performed in the past also at the Salzburg Festival, of Turandot Liù in Zurich, as Norina in Don Pasquale in Hamburg, a role she also played at the Teatro alla Scala in a new production conducted by M° R. Chailly and directed by D. Livermore. At the Teatro alla Scala she was the protagonist in Il Turco in Italia (Fiorilla) and Susanna in Le Nozze di Figaro, a role also performed in Venice and at the Wiener Staatsoper as well as in a tour of Japan with the Wiener Philarmoniker conducted by Maestro Muti. In Milan she is still Adina in L’elisir d’amore, Ninetta in Gazza ladra, at her debut in 2017, and she takes part in the opening concert “A riveder le stelle” dir. R. Chailly in the 2020/21 season. You participate in an event filmed by Rai Cultura which sees the Rome Opera Theater collaborate with the Borghese Gallery for a show entitled ‘The sound of beauty’ (2021) Also for the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma she is Gilda in the opera / film Rigoletto performed at the Circus Maximus, directed by D. Gatti and directed by D. Michieletto with Rai filming and participation in the Rome Film Festival 2021.
In 2017 and 2021 she took part in the New Year’s Concert at the Teatro La Fenice in Venice directed respectively by F. Luisi and D. Harding, the latter also published on DVD.

She debuts in 2023 the role of Liù in Turandot at the Zurich Opernhaus. In the same theater, in addition to other roles, she also interpreted Giulietta from I Capuleti e i Montecchi.

In 2015 she recorded her first CD, “Musica e Poesia” (OpusArte).

In 2018 she recorded Rossini’s Stabat Mater with the BRSO, Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Howard Arman (Sony). Also noteworthy is the DVD recorded on the occasion of Beethoven’s Missa Solemnis performed at the Salzburg Festival 2021 by Riccardo Muti and Wiener Philharmoniker (Unitel).